Gestalt Therapy
Thérapies therapy
In Person and Online – French and English
A powerful therapy, at your own pace.
Get to know yourself better, let go of your own inner obstacles, and bring change to your life.
My work in gestalt therapy is to help you explore your inner world, understand yourself better, in order to accompany you towards the meaningful changes that are right for you.
This approach integrates every part of what makes you human; your emotions, your psychological, your physiology, your social behaviours, your philosophical truth.
You won’t be alone along this path. I will be right aside you, both guiding and following you.
Our emotions are both our foundation and our guides. Together, at your own pace, we’ll focus on your emotions. Explore the way they feel to you, the special message they hold for you. That is what a gestalt-therapy is about, finding clarity and confidence, calm and pleasure in our emotions.
Along the way, we will probably question and revisit your own perception of your past. The lessons you have learned. We will also let go of which that doesn’t serve you anymore, by observing those patterns that, one’s necessary, are now irrelevant and restrain you on your path to happiness.
Together we will explore and experiment new things, to guide you towards the changes you want for yourself. Those experiences will accompany you in your life. Whatever change or progress you make in therapy, it’s real, and it’ll become a meaningful part of you.
Now, what change do you want to create in your life ?
Therapy is a valuable help when feeling that something could or needs to change. It is a path toward more pleasure and smoothness in one’s life:
To restore what has been wounded,
Free yourself of which that doesn’t serve anymore,
Live through hardship,
Let go of something and create space for what is good.
To reach out for more happiness in your life,
Better understand your inner emotional world,
Build a fuller and more living self, with trust and fulfillment.
During our sessions, I will always be present and engaged at your side. A session is a discussion, an interaction in which you are not alone. You won’t be left to your own silences, doubts and blockages.
Our first session will be a little longer than usual in order to get to know each other and talk about the reasons that brought you to start a working with yourself. I’ll also take the time to explain the work frame that we will be sharing along our path together. At the end, you’ll decide if you want to start this journey with me.
Next sessions will be forty-five minutes long.
In couples therapy, our work will focus on restoring the good your couple has brought into your life.
If you feel that your couple is struggling with something, that means that you are one step further on the path towards a happy and nourishing relationship.
A path that will bring new and deaper things to your couple and allow you to,
Reconnect to each other through the love that your couple has created,
Put aside which that isn’t relevant, heal what makes you or your couple hurt,
Keep on cherishing and building your relationship with one another.
Our goal is to help you regain pleasure and security in your relationship,
Create a new balance, or adjust to a change in your life,
Journey through hardship and nourish your couple, and each other.
As your couples therapist, I’ll always be present and engaged at your side. I’ll be the ally and the support of each partner and take on the responsibilty to maintain a secure environment, for both partners and the couple as a whole.
In couples therapy, a session is an hour and fifteen minutes long.
My training
I have learnt and trained myself to Gestalt therapy at l’IFAS, l’Ecole Humaniste de Gestalt.
Today, I intend to follow a regular continuing education curriculum, to always better and enrich my own practice.
IFAS promotes an integrative approach to Gestalt therapy that goes beyond its own borders. It’s an approach that aims to integrate the best of each method into a coherent and solid whole.
It is from this IFAS that I get my composite approach combining emotional, analytical and human sensibility, benevolent at heart.
I am committed to following the code of ethics of IFAS, of which I am today an ambassador.
A few words
about myself
Initially, my study path started at l’Université de Technologie de Compiègne (biomedical engineering) and at INSEAD (marketing and business).
I’ve led a fifteen year multidisciplinary career, first as a biomedical engineer and then as a regional sales representative.
Along this path, I’ve discovered the diveres worlds of research, both public and in small companies, of big multinational corporations, and of healthcare, both in public and private hospitals.
My core values led me to change path and choose a discipline that would serve my need for a more human and life-oriented care.
At IFAS, I’ve chosen to train in individual and couples therapy, and to learn how to accompany people with high potentialities.
I’m volunteering at Contact, a non-profit that gathers speaking and sharing groups.
42 boulevard Marguerite de Rochechouart, Paris 75018
M° ligne 2 : Anvers
M° ligne 4 : Barbès-Rochecouart
M° ligne 7 : Poissnonnière
M° ligne 12 : Pigalle
On Weekdays from 9am – 8pm
An individual therapy session lasts 45 minutes.
A couple therapy session lasts 75 minutes.
Consultations in my office or online.
Individual : 80€
Couple : 160€
Laissez-vous penser
J’ai tous les droits en pensées, j’ai tous les pouvoir en pensées. Comment apaiser ses pensées négatives.
Les dimanches Minute Papillon !
Mettre les crises derrière nous, repartir de plus belle dans une vie qui me nourrit
Le Monde d’Après ? Il est déjà entre nous.
Très vite dès le début de la pandémie, nos relations ont été mises à mal.